3 Tips to Develop a Wholehearted Business Mindset

Mommy Jammies show

Summary: <br> 3 Tips to Develop a Wholehearted Business Mindset<br> Developing a mindset begins way before you get to your mind! Listen in as we talk about 3 tips you can use today to develop a wholehearted business mindset. Visit <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="https://ultimateradioshow.com/mommy-jammies/" target="_blank">MommyJammiesNight.com</a> to get your free printable mentioned in this podcast.<br> <br> <br> <br> When you find yourself without direction,  it helps to step back and evaluate your priorities. This starts with establishing your values.<br> <br> Establishing values begins with a Jesus view of wholeheartedness. Wholeheartedness is first and foremost a heart matter. Where is your heart?<br> Tip #1<br> Take time to establish your values. Your values guide your priorities. Seek God's kingdom in all things.<br> Tip #2<br> Live and give grace. Don't buy into "Girl, wash your face." Start with "Jesus, wash my heart."<br> Tip #3<br> Put aside grumbling, comparison, and destination confusion. Happiness isn't a place, it's internal first. Let Jesus be your peace.<br> Action Item:<br> Take 30 minutes to evaluate your values in the four broader areas of your life; spiritual, personal, professional, and health.  Use the free printable as a helpful guide.  <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="https://ultimateradioshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Putting-Christ-first-takes-care-of-everything-else.pdf" target="_blank">_Putting Christ first takes care of everything else</a><br> <br> Spiritual- see Matthew 4:4. How's your spiritual life?<br> <br> Personal - see Ephesians 4:2 &amp; 3. What do your personal relationships look like right now?<br> <br> Health -  see 1 Corinthians 6: 19 &amp; 20. In what ways do you need to honor your body?<br> <br> Professional-  see Psalm 15:1-5. How do you show up in your business?<br> Worth Reading<br> <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="https://indweltwomen.com/library/girl-start-apologizing" target="_blank"> Girl, Start Apologizing: Living in Light of the Gospel</a>