175 How You Can Create Massive PR for Yourself, Even If You’re A Complete Novice

Novel Marketing show

Summary: <br> In this episode we are going to talk about how you can develop significant PR for yourself and your books, even if you’re a complete novice!<br> <br> <br> <br> And to help us dive deep into the topic, we have a special guest, serial entrepreneur, award winning inventor, best-selling author, publicity expert, mom and wife, Christina Daves.<br> <br> <br> <br> And I love the tagline on her website … “Let me help you get visible!” I suspect that’s exactly what she’s going to help us with today.<br> <br> <br> <br> Christina, welcome to the Novel Marketing podcast!<br> <br> <br> <br> We’re going to get to a few questions about how you can help our listeners in a moment, but first … your own story is pretty interesting. It all started with a broken foot. You want to give us the quick version of what happened?<br> <br> <br> <br> Questions<br> <br> <br> <br> * We have some listeners who are quite savvy when it comes to marketing … but others who are just starting their publishing journey. For the latter listeners, could you give us a simple, clear definition of what PR is?* I love when you talk about how the media will check you out before they’ll interview you or do a profile piece on you and that you have to be prepared for that. What are a few of the key things authors must do to get prepared?* You say publicity always comes down to story … and we agree … how do people develop their story?* You’re a fan of LinkedIn … tell us why, and how authors can use the power of LinkedIn.<br> <br> * The media is on LinkedIn or Twitter<br> <br> * Tell us a little bit about <a href="https://www.helpareporter.com/">HARO</a> (Help A Reporter Out) and how authors can use it to get media bookings?* Can you give us a story of an author you know, or one you worked with, where something crazy happened as a result of going after a bit of publicity?* I’ve (Jim) piggybacked on many blogs that have a larger reach than my own website, and I know you like that idea as well … how do you suggest an author approach a larger site to do a guest post?* Most authors don’t realize the best place to start getting publicity is on a local level … how can authors get buzz going right where they live?* You’ve talked about a lot of excellent ideas … but if an author was going to do only ONE thing to start working on their PR, what would it be?* You have a great FREE email sequence and video series where you teach author how to get started on PR for themselves. Where can people find that and where can they find out more about you?<br> <br> <br> <br> More About Christina Daves<br> <br> <br> <br> * <a href="https://www.christinadaves.com/">https://www.christinadaves.com/</a>* <a href="http://www.yourprchallenge.com/">Your PR Challenge</a><br> <br> <br> <br> Simon Sinek Ted talk: <a href="https://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action?language=en">https://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action?language=en</a><br> <br> <br> <br> Featured Patron<br> <br> <br> <br> Lucia’s Renaissance by CLR Peterson<br> <br> <br> <br> A Novel of 16th-century Italy, by C.L.R. Peterson.  “”Heresy is fatal in late Renaissance Italy, so only a suicidal zealot would so much as whisper the name of Martin Luther. But after Luther’s ideas ignite a young girl’s faith, she must choose–abandon her beliefs or risk her life in the turbulent world of late sixteenth-century Italy.<br> <br> <br> <br> Sponsor:<br> <br> <br> <br> * Book Launch Blueprint #2 is about to close!* <a href="https://training.authormedia.com/p/launch-your-book-blueprint">Booklaunch.fun </a><br>