TKAM #958 Drone Strikes. Monica Blaire #AffirmationFriday

TK in the AM: show

Summary: We are joined today by tremendous artist and our friend, Monica Blaire (@MBtheLight). From Detroit to ATL to Brooklyn, we have her for a minute and make the best of it. <br>#AffirmationFriday<br><br>We start out the show by looking back at Showtime at the Apollo. Conscious talks about the difference between liking an artist and supporting community. TK is getting ready for her birthday in April and leaves us an important lesson: don’t waste your birthday. <br><br>In #NewsYouCanUse:<br>Meghan Markle had a baby shower thrown by Serena Williams full of Black Girl Magic<br>Beyonce &amp; Jay-Z accept award with Tim O’Brien portrait in the background, rising questions about artistic credit. <br>Obama sparked controversy after making statements against gold chains and twerking.<br>Coast Guard member arrested on domestic terrorist <br>Jussie Smollett is facing investigation but has returned to the set of Empire. <br><br>Following #ChatroomCheckIn, Monica takes a minute to tell us about owning your music by stripping it down and starting over. And finally, we send you off to the weekend with the power of affirmations. <br>Go blessed, come back wise. <br>#AffirmationFriday<br><br>@TKinTheAM is live every M-W-F 10-1130am EST on and tunein app. Same<br>day replays 7pm EST also available on Apple Podcasts, GooglePodcasts, Spreaker, and Spotify!<br><br>If you really like us, leave a review on Apple Podcast that’d be really cool.<br><a href="" rel="noopener"></a> &lt; get some TKAM gear<br><br><br><br><br><br>RUNDOWN<br>0:00 #SONG: SICKO MODE - Travis Scott<br>5:32 #Intro: Monica Blair is in the studio!; Showtime at the Apollo; Art and the community; Wasting birthdays<br>23:40 #SONG: Story - ODIE <br>27:05 #NewsYouCanUse: Meghan Markle’s royal baby shower; Beyonce &amp; Jay-Z and the painting<br>35:21 #Guest: Monica Blaire and the coming up<br>40:00 #NewsYouCanUse: Obama’s talk; Coast Guard Terrorist; The Park Ranger who won the lottery<br>59:22 #SONG: Nicotine's Famous Honey - Running <br>63:46 #ChatroomCheckIn: Affirmation Friday <br>68:40 #NewsYouCanUse: the Jussie Smollett case<br>83:16 #SONG: @mBtheLight - Disco<br>86:39 #Guest: Monica Blaire and stripping down the music <br>#Outro: Last Affirmations