LlanfairPG ....Eurovision and Students

Don Woods show

Summary: Our song for Eurovision has been chosen....by the public no less....so it looks like another disaster....the song is called "Bigger Than Us" and is sung by a lad called Chris Rice who is an X Factor winner.....say no more....we were given three songs to choose from....one was sung by a girl and was instantly forgettable....similar to the one which won the vote....the other song was called "Freaks" which was very good and would have been a strong contender in my opinion....but it seems the public know best.....another "nil pwa" for the United Kingdom I think.....and no doubt we will blame politics for our lack of votes.... instead of the bad song. 2.In order to make people aware of environment change they are bringing pupils out of some schools to put the point over and to educate our young....wow what a great idea!!....this will definitely save the planet....have you ever heard such tripe....who comes up with these pearls of wisdom....all this will do is make youngsters think they are a lot more intelligent than they are....and they will probably end up coming up with stupid ideas like this one when they get older.....a better idea would be to get them to pick up the litter most of them have left there in the first place........ 3.Sir Philip Green....the owner of Top shop has been regularly featured on the news for his alleged behaviour with some of his staff....needless to say the FEMALE staff....he is accused of tapping a girl on the bottom and calling her a "naughty girl"....despite the fact he regarded it as "banter" this could obviously scar the girl for life and she may have to find a dark room to sit in after this tragedy....and this is NEWS....forget the floods and earthquakes worldwide where people are struggling to survive....this young thing obviously needs her problem solved with a chunk of Phil's billions......otherwise how will her scars and injuries heal?....so the witch hunt is underway.......however Sir Phil is going to defend his reputation which I hope is successful as this sort of nonsense needs sorting one way or another...... 4.I watched the BAFTAS on TV as there was nothing else to watch.....boring or what?.....acting is a job that's all....because you have a bit of charisma and presence doesn't particularly make you special.....it makes you lucky......I have to laugh at the ones who are nominated but don't get the award....all trying to look pleased for the winner....now THAT is good acting...........I fail to see why we have to sit and watch all the nominations....just giving us the winners would improve the programme as it would only be half an hour long...however they paid a nice tribute to Albert Finney who has just died....I thought he was brilliant in Saturday Night and Sunday orning....and Tom Jones 5.I used to write songs for local artists and record them on my record label which they would sell around the clubs and which I would get them airplay etc...so it was a rare everybody wins situation...Paul Damian was one of the artists and a good pal....over a cup of coffee he asked me for a novelty song for his act to which I replied he could possibly teach the audience how to say that long Welsh word....he taught me how to say it and by the end of that week I had written and recorded the song....I put it out on a vinyl 45 with a B side called "Leading Lady" with the Princess of Wales in mind and sent a copy to Lady Di (to help her with her Welsh)....and got a reply from the Palace thanking me.......I then started selling it in the actual village which to my amazement it took off.....with visitors on the coaches wanting to learn how to say the word....i eventually put it on to YouTube and it has had nearly 2 million hits and has had plays on Radio One and World News and feaured on TV both here and in The States...initially I even went to see the professor of Welsh at Bangor University to make sure we had it right...and all over a cup of coffee on a Monday morning....and here it is...... "How To Say Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch"