Volatility Views 343: A New Era in Volatility

Volatility Views show

Summary: VOL VIEWPOINT - SPIKES - What is it? Why bring it to the market now? - How did 2/21 launch go? How has the market responded to SPIKES? - How is liquidity? VOLATILITY REVIEW - SPIKES - 14.79 - VIX Cash - 14.75 - VVIX - 80 - VXXB - 31.5 VOLATILITY VOICEMAIL - Q. from J Sign - Is Spikes live? I can’t find it on my broker screen? What’s the ticker? - Q. from Vex1 - Why does it take so long for new volatility products to come to market? CRYSTAL BALL - Mark L. - 14.50 - Mark S. - 13.05