Ep. 53: Four Ways to Help Your Child Succeed at School

Sunshine Parenting show

Summary: In Episode 53, I’m chatting with my oldest daughter and favorite high school English teacher, Gretchen Monke. She has done a terrific job of <a href="http://sunshine-parenting.com/2017/09/12/10-fun-ways-teachers-can-help-kids-connect-kids/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">connecting with her students</a> and has some excellent insights on how parents can partner with teachers to help kids succeed at school. We discuss four ways to help your child succeed at school.<br> #1 Promote Ownership Over Their own Education<br> Help child take more ownership over their own education.<br> Encourage them to communicate directly with their teacher.<br> #2 Help Them Get Organized<br> Organizational skills are really important. Make sure they have an organized agenda and binder.<br> Digital organization is important, as well.<br> A lot of children don’t have organizational skills.<br> “But ultimately is the student’s responsibility to take that information and learn it and apply it. And I think sometimes parents place that responsibility on teachers.”<br> “I can teach your child how to write a paragraph, but I can’t write it for them.”<br> #3 Teach Kids to Be Proactive<br> The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens is a book about habits that can help your teen improve different aspects of their life.<br> 1st Habit is being proactive<br> “I really want to work on fostering a better relationship with my parents.”<br> Teens still want a close relationship with parents.<br> Share Advice with Teachers<br> Share your child’s interests/what you enjoy.<br> “If you have a child who is struggling to develop that independence and autonomy and is maybe nervous talking to their teachers, something that has worked well is a parent has emailed me and said, ‘Hey, would you mind prompting this discussion with my student?'”<br> “We need to communicate with each other. Let’s all share information.” Audrey<br> #4 Give Teachers Some Grace<br> “Approach teachers with patience.” Gretchen<br> “I value every student as an individual, but it’s hard to help everyone at once.” Gretchen<br> “We need to be a little more forgiving/understanding at seeing other people’s perspective.” Audrey<br> “We’re all on the same team so that partnership is really, really important.” Audrey<br> Resources/Links<br> <a href="http://sunshine-parenting.com/2018/06/29/ep-43-the-gift-of-failure-with-jessica-lahey/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Ep. 43: The Gift of Failure by Jessica Lahey</a><br> <a href="https://www.avid.org/what-avid-is" target="_blank" rel="noopener">AVID</a> – college readiness<br> <a href="http://sunshine-parenting.com/2018/06/29/ep-43-the-gift-of-failure-with-jessica-lahey/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Gift of Failure</a>, Jessica Lahey<br> <a href="http://sunshine-parenting.com/2016/02/13/how-camp-helps-parents-raise-adults/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">How to Raise an Adult</a>, Julie Lythcott-Haims<br> <a href="http://www.simonandschuster.com/books/The-7-Habits-of-Highly-Effective-Teens/Sean-Covey/9781476764665" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens</a><br> <a href="http://sunshine-parenting.com/2018/07/25/the-wisdom-of-high-school-girls/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Wisdom of High School Girls</a><br> In Episode 53, I’m chatting with my oldest daughter and favorite high school English teacher, Gretchen Monke. She has done a terrific job of <a href="http://sunshine-parenting.com/2017/09/12/10-fun-ways-teachers-can-help-kids-connect-kids/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">connecting with her students</a> and has some excellent insights on how parents can partner with teachers to help kids succeed at school. We discuss four ways to help your child succeed at school.<br>