Building a website for your pest control business

Pest Geek Podcast  show

Summary: Building a website for your pest control business<br> <a href=""></a><br><br> Im going to do a series of podcasts just devoted to Websites, SEO and online business and building a website. <a href="">For additional updated info see </a><br> My goal for these podcasts is to demystify give you good information and the pitfalls to avoid.<br> We will be discussing website development platforms.<br><br> • SEO Search engine optimization.<br><br> • Google myths panda, pengion the internet zoo.<br><br> • Online business strategies myths, legends<br> I have been building websites since about 1987<br><br> I have used<br><br> Microsoft Front Page<br><br> Adobe dreamweever.<br><br> The free web design tools from<br><br> •<br><br> •<br><br> I even used publisher from Microsoft to build websites.<br> When most people think of building a website many things come to mind.<br><br> • Do I really need a web site?<br><br> • Building a web site is complicated and expensive?<br><br> • Who will build it me or do I hire a developer?<br> Do I need a website?<br><br> Yes a website is the dynamic equivalent of having a business card.<br> The problem is that most people that have a web site have it as a glorified business card or brochure. Its just there. Hoping somebody is going to check it out.<br> When I think of a website I think of it in the same way a land developer looks a t building location location, location and how do I get people in the door to buy.<br> Your web site should be at minimum a lead generation tool it should make the phone ring and at best a sales pipeline producing and automating new customer acquisitions.<br> In the past we have handed out business cards, flyers placed adds in local papers phonebooks bus benches, billboards, radio and television and you sat and waited for the phone to ring hoping and praying someone would see your add.<br> In the new media world your customer are going actively online and looking for what they want hoping to find it.<br><br> There are three types of businesses<br><br> • Those that have a web site, Early adapters<br><br> • Those that don’t, most people<br><br> • Those that never will, these are business that use a cell phone just because nobody makes rotary phones anymore.<br> In this episode I’m going devote it to web design principles things you should know before you build and things you should know about to hire the right person to build, promote and manage your website.<br> Building a web site is no longer a novelty, it is part of doing business in a new media world.<br><br> Lest talk about design<br> When most people think about design they think about<br><br> Colors, layout, images and text, copy writing<br> They think about a five page site where there is a home page, about page a services page a contact page.<br><br> The price for someone somewhere to build it is between $500 to $3000.<br> Maybe you’ve though about going one of those websites like or where you can build a website from scratch with no web design experience in a couple of hours for like $26.00.<br> What does it cost to get a site up and running about $26<br><br> Domain Name Registration $10<br><br> Images 5 X $2 Each $10<br><br> Get web hosting a subscription for $6 bucks per month<br><br> In 2 to 4 hours you have a live website<br> It’like you got your license, an inc or llc, a truck, business cards, pesticides, and a spray can. I’m in business. All you have to do now is make money.<br> What do you really need to know about internet marketing<br><br> SEO Search engine optimization, local SEO.<br> Onsite SEO is optimizing your website for the search engines.<br><br>