German Roach Biology Blattella germanica (Linnaeus)

Pest Geek Podcast  show

Summary: <a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-6024"></a><br> German Roach Biology Blattella germanica (Linnaeus)<br> Adult German cockroaches are between 1/2 to 5/8 inch long.<br><br> They love tight spaces (Thigmotropic)<br><br> It favors warm, humid atmospheres, areas with temperatures are between 70° to 75° F.<br><br> It has an incomplete metamorphosis.<br><br> Three life stages the egg, nymph, and adult.<br><br> The entire life cycle is complete in about 100 days.<br><br> A typical egg case can contain up to 48 eggs typically somewhere between 30 to 40 eggs.<br><br> Adult females usually produce from 4 to 8 egg capsules during her lifetime.<br><br> At room temperature, one capsule is produced about every 6 weeks.<br><br> It usually takes 28 days for the capsule to hatch from the time it begins to form.<br><br> Formation of the next egg capsule usually begins within a couple of weeks.<br><br> The length of the egg stage varies from 14 to 35 days.<br><br> six to seven nymphal stages (instars) occurring over a period of 6 to 31 weeks.<br><br> The lifespan of the adult female varies from 20 to 30 weeks.<br><br> In one year over 10,000 descendants can be produced, assuming two generations per year.<br><br> The stage between molts is called an instar.<br><br> At room, temperature nymphs complete development in about 60 days.<br><br> Typical Adult females can live about 200 days.<br><br> The German cockroach is omnivorous they will eat just about anything table scraps, pet food, and even book bindings.<br><br> They will eat their own feces! (oprophagy)<br><br> They eat their own vomit! (Emetophagy)<br><br> They eat their own kind (Cannibalism)<br><br> There are distinct difference between male and female (Dioecious)<br><br> They produce eggs that hatch outside the body. (Oviparous)<br> Some roaches deposit the eggs and others carry the eggs along with them until they hatch.<br> German Roach Taxonomy<br> Kingdom: Animalia – Animal, animaux, animals<br><br> Subkingdom: Bilateria<br><br> Infrakingdom: Protostomia<br><br> Superphylum: Ecdysozoa<br><br> Phylum: Arthropoda – Artrópode, arthropodes, arthropods<br><br> Subphylum: Hexapoda – hexapods<br><br> Class: Insecta – insects, hexapoda, inseto, insectes<br><br> Subclass: Pterygota – insects ailés, winged insects<br><br> Infraclass: Neoptera – modern, wing-folding insects<br><br> Superorder: Polyneoptera<br><br> Order: Blattodea – cockroaches, termites<br><br> Superfamily: Blaberoidea<br><br> Family: Blattellidae – wood cockroaches<br><br> Subfamily: Blattellinae<br><br> Genus: Blattella Caudell, 1903<br><br> Species: Blattella germanica (Linnaeus, 1767) – German cockroach, blatte germanique<br> German Cockroach Sources<br> <a href=""></a><br><br> <a href=""></a><br><br> <a href=";search_value=102415#null">;search_value=102415#null</a><br><br> <a href=""></a><br> German Cockroach Control Equipment<br> Vacuum<br><br> Air Compressor<br><br> Crack and Crevice Devices like an AccuSpray or Airofog<br> German Cockroach Control Products<br> Roach Gel Baits<br><br> Roach Dust Baits<br><br> Roach Granular<br><br> Liquids Non-Repellant<br><br>