Ep 82: The "Black Men in America" Edition – 05.08.18

WeTalkDifferent show

Summary: Ep 82: The “Black Men in America” Edition – 05.08.18 This week the WTD Crew looks at how black men are viewed in America. A couple different angles are discussed from the Kanye West angle to the James Shaw, Jr angle. Pull up some podcast and hang out Ashley, Elijah, and Ryan a dive into culture, ethnicity, and racial identity awareness. ––––––––––––––––––––––––– Show Notes: NPR - https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2018/05/04/605531828/what-the-kanye-controversy-can-teach-us-about-black-voters Candace Owens claims that the NRA was started as a Civil Rights Organization (which is easily disproven just by reading the NRA "About" page) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ndf7eXqUCr4 Ijeoma Oluo - How Non-Black People Can Talk About Kanye While Staying in their Lane - https://medium.com/@IjeomaOluo/how-non-black-people-can-talk-about-kanye-while-staying-in-their-lane-cb34b05fc84e Van Lathan responds to Kanye - TMZ clip (Extended clip) - https://youtu.be/IeA7lvC1ego TI sat down with The Breakfast Club and talked about recording Ye vs The People - https://youtu.be/FaARGp33Owo?t=8m8s Talking Different: Paige Patterson of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary doubles down - https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2018/05/04/southern-baptist-leader-who-advised-abused-women-not-to-divorce-doubles-down-says-he-has-nothing-to-apologize-for/?utm_term=.1ad1c122e140 Thabiti Anyabwile Publicly Apologizes to Beth Moore, - https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/thabiti-anyabwile/apology-beth-moore-sisters/ Kenneth Reeves - The Good Culture Life, Bangers & Brunch - http://www.goodculture.life/ ––––––––––––––––––––––––– If you wanna get at us (and we know you do) you got options: Support us on Patreon: http://patreon.com/wetalkdifferent Email: wetalkdifferentteam@gmail.com Facebook: facebook.com/wetalkdifferent Twitter: twitter.com/wetalkdifferent Instagram: instagram.com/wetalkdifferent/ Website: wetalkdifferent.com Also please join our Facebook group to discuss the episodes with the WTD team and other WTDers —  https://www.facebook.com/groups/wetalkdifferent/