Dopey89: Meditation, Hookers, Alcohol Blackouts, Psychedelics in a Laundromat, Vipassana, John Belushi, Scrub Life, Bill Cosby

Dopey: The Dark Comedy of Drug Addiction | Heroin | Cocaine | Meth | Weed | Drugs | LSD | Recovery | Sobriety show

Summary: Chris shares about his recent meditation retreat. We play a voice memo from Woody about the time he blacked out and came to with two hookers in the back of a cab... he ended up losing his wallet and woke up in an alley. Chris shares about blacking out and waking up in a Chinese girl's room during college while her parents were walking down the hall to get her. Dave makes fun of Chris for needing everyone to like him, including the woman who made him a sausage burrito. Dave and Chris talk about the psychedelic amplification of tripping in a laundromat. We talk about Bill Cosby. Lastly, we read some messages from someone who "unsubscribed" from Dopey because we keep eating on the show.