Episode 20: A Deeper Understanding of Fibromyalgia and Clinical Approaches

New Frontiers in Functional Medicine show

Summary: Fibromyalgia can be a particularly difficult condition to address conventionally, but Functional Medicine really has a lot to offer here. In this podcast, we mine the wealth of information that Dr. David Brady brings to the table on this important topic, including: · The signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia and how it is diagnosed (previously-defined tender points are no longer used!) – see also Dr. Brady’s questionnaire at www.fibrofix.com · What other mimicking conditions need to be considered or ruled out · How fibromyalgia differs from chronic fatigue syndrome—vastly different disorders that are commonly confused · Why not all pain is driven by inflammation · How not to fall into the trap of only looking at mitochondrial dysfunction · Organic acids, catecholamines, food reactivity and other relevant labs for assessment and tracking · Childhood and adult stress patterns in (especially female-dominated) fibromyalgia, and how that factors into interventions · Additional intervention options such as sleep support, energy pathways, detox, exercise, diet, immune balancing to reset metabolic patterns and promote recovery