137: Podcast #137: Fyre Festival, junk shop glam, Specials, The Beat and more

Bigmouth show

Summary: “It’s not fraud, it’s just false advertising!” Special guests and major influencers **AL****EXIS PETRIDIS** of The Guardian and **LUCY O’BRIEN**, author of ‘Madonna: Like An Icon’, join regulars Siân and Andrew on a microlite to misery as we gaze in disbelief at not one but BOTH **Fyre Festival** documentaries. What were the best bits, what did we learn about “millennials” and is there enough Evian in the world to douse this Bonfire Of The Inanities? Hey, dig our on-brand orange tile…  PLUS It’s la recherche de Fred Perrys perdu with new albums from **The Specials** – their first in 37 years – and the faction of **The Beat** that includes Ranking Roger. And we FEEL THE NOIZE on a new 60-track compilation of ultra-obscure glam rock from the actual real-life 1970s, ‘**All The Young Droogs**’.  Produced and presented by Andrew Harrison and Siân Pattenden. Studio production by Alex Rees. **Bigmouth is a Podmasters production. **