Episode 170: Your Super Bowl prop bet spectacular

The Sharp 600 show

Summary: We call it the Royal Rumble of Super Bowl prop bet podcasts. @JoeFortenbaugh + 17 industry insiders laying out their favorite prop bets—as well as their leans on the side and total—for Super Bowl LIII. Ladies and gentlemen, buckle up for the year's wildest episode of The Sharp 600. CLICK HERE to claim your free bet up to $500* at DraftKings: https://www.draftkings.com/500-free-bet [0:00-4:32]: The Rundown + 3 prop bets [4:33-8:25]: Ace Karalis (@Greek_Gambler) [8:26-10:50]: Gill Alexander (@beatingthebook) [10:51-12:47]: Jason McIntyre (@jasonmcintrye) [12:48-14:35]: Mitch Moss (@MitchMossRadio) [14:36-17:37]: Marco D’Angelo (@MarcoInVegas) [17:38-19:08]: Jonathan Von Tobel (@meJVT) [19:09-20:45]: Paul Howard (@paulyhoward) [20:46-22:23]: David Purdum (@DavidPurdum) [22:24-25:29]: Joe Ostrowski (@JoeO670) [25:30-28:04]: Marc Lawrence (@MarcLawrence) [28:05-30:05]: Ben Fawkes (@BFawkesESPN) [30:06-31:48]: Ken Thomson (@kthomson87) [31:49-34:06]: Sam Panayotovich (@spshoot) [34:07-35:57]: Teddy Covers (@teddy_covers) [35:58-39:09]: The Big Puma (@Big_Puma) [39:10-40:55]: Marc Meltzer (@MeltzVegas) [40:56-43:23]: Jason Logan (@CoversJLo) [43:24-goodbye]: The on-deck circle