TTE 11: Investing in a LinkedIn Presence to Grow Your Private Practice with Jennifer Bullock

The Therapist Experience Podcast by Brighter Vision: Marketing & Business Lessons for Therapists, Counselors, Psychologists & Coaches in Private Practice show

Summary: When Jennifer Bullock transitioned to private practice, she had a 1 year goal of revenue and the number of clients seeing her. Thanks to her comprehensive and creative Internet presence, and only focusing on one or two social media avenues, she hit that goal in 3 months. Session 11 shows you how she did it!<br> <br> For a little teaser:<br> <br> Jennifer 'stair-stepped' her way up in social media. What do I mean by that? Well, instead of trying to do everything and anything in social media, she focused on ONE social media outlet until she nailed it. Then she stepped up to nail another one.<br> <br> And for Jennifer, the first place she started was investing in a LinkedIn presence. Why? Well, with LinkedIn, she was able to reach both potential clients AND stay in touch with referral sources. Her referral sources, which include school guidance counselors, bartenders and hairdressers, are on LinkedIn and would see her blog posts and articles, helping Jennifer to stay top of mind.<br> <br> There's plenty more great advice, so be sure to tune in!