TTE 13: From 0 to 12 Clients in 6 Months: How to Use Momentum & Build Upon Little Wins in Private Practice

The Therapist Experience Podcast by Brighter Vision: Marketing & Business Lessons for Therapists, Counselors, Psychologists & Coaches in Private Practice show

Summary: When Jeffrey Sumber opened his private practice, he spent six months working his tail off to get to 12 consistent clients. But once he hit that magic number, the momentum began building into an unstoppable snowball.<br> <br> And that's what happens in business. You market yourself, you build relationships and networks, you build referral sources... And all that hard work compounds upon itself.<br> <br> But you can't just rest on your laurels: A referral source from a year ago has to be reminded about you. And that's where the power of newsletters comes in. Jeffrey utilized newsletters to remind both his clients (past, present and potentially future) AND his referral sources that he existed.<br> <br> This helped Jeffrey stay top of mind every month and allowed his hard work to build upon itself and grow exponentially.