TTE 18: From Generalist to Specialist: The Journey to a Unique Selling Proposition with Stephanie Adams

The Therapist Experience Podcast by Brighter Vision: Marketing & Business Lessons for Therapists, Counselors, Psychologists & Coaches in Private Practice show

Summary: Business 101 for therapists. There's no other way to describe this episode. After building and closing down one private practice, Stephanie Adams understood she needed to transition from being a generalist to a specialist. She defined her Unique Selling Proposition, understood her lifetime value, and began marketing to generate a positive return on investment for her private practice.<br> <br> In This Episode, You'll Learn:<br> <br> - What is a Unique Selling Proposition and how to write one (I even help Stephanie revise hers on the fly!)<br> - What is your customer's lifetime value and why that's a crucial metric to know<br> - How Stephanie re-opened her practice and moved from a generalist to a specialist