What Happened to Julie?

Don Woods show

Summary: .Prince Philip has apologised to the lady he pulled in front of when he was driving with his eyes closed....the letter has been published which was typed but with the opening and closing line in his handwriting....so that's O.K. then......the lady in question has been on TV thanking his Lordship for the letter......which will be worth a few bob....and she will have made a nice bit of cash from the papers if she gets it right.....she also had her arm in a big sling which is a good idea.....so I applaud her....that's the way to do it.................there is a move afoot to place speed ts to catch those who speed up and go through on amber.....another right idea from someone trying to justify their job......I've said it for years the only cure for speeding is to put speed cameras everywhere.....and just have random ones working....they would pay for themselves in a week...........oh I forgot....I was once told that there has to be three fatalities in an area before they can put up a speed camera....WHY?? 2.Social media is being blamed for suicides amongst the young....we of a certain age find this hard to understand...and wonder why you can't just switch your phone off when being bullied.......but it's not as simple as that as the young are very vulnerable and have become addicted to it all....which gives a sort of imaginary "poer" to those who sit in their little rooms and send out stupid messages which helps improve their sad little lives.......and as social media accelerates I'm not sure what the answer is.....it's so sad to hear of teenagers ending their lives over stuff they read on their computers.....and as always the media don't help with their constant promoting of "reality" stars with their facelifts and enlarged lips....in the constant search to be glamorous youngsters need to learn it's what's on the inside that counts......but sadly they are subject to wide world criticism unlike in our day. 3.A documentary has been made on the alleged misbehaviour of Michael Jackson.....despite appearing in court on several occasions and been found completely innocent some toad has come out of the woodwork and decided he was abused by Michael....after saying in court that he hadn't......so everyone piles in as usual and the witch hunt begins....and as Mike is sadly no longer with us he can't defend himself......obviously there's a bit of cash up for grabs.......he was an odd ball but let the guy rest..............it was the same with Jimmy Savile.....Louie Theroux did a documentary on him a few years ago and couldn't find any real evidence of the accusations hurled around about him....he went to the hospital that Savile restored for 9 million pounds and the staff were adamant that there was no truth in the ugly rumours......but of course when you have passed away you are an easy target.....what I find annoying is the accusers seem to get away scot free when they are proved wrong....they should be dragged through the courts and see how they like it. 4.On a lighter note I had to laugh at an article Billy Butler put on Facebook regarding functions where there are so many prizes that the draw takes up most of the night.........it reminded me of a gig I did with the band which was a football club presentation dance....at the particular venue we went in through back door on to the stage and set up behind the curtain....what we didn't know was on the other side of the curtain was a long table with a load of trophies to be given out......as our drummer went through the process of taking his drums out of the cases (filling up the stage even MORE)....he bent over against the curtain and knocked the table off the stage with all the cups and trophies clattering across the dance floor.....OOPS.....needless to say the organisers were not happy......still...that's showbiz. 5.The song this week is entitled "What Happened To Julie?" and harks back to the days when we were young.....and how strange it is that the when those wonderful romances come to an end we never see the girl again....even if she lives close by......so we are left wondering what happened to her.....it is a track off one of my albums called "Doowop Days" which takes you back to those golden years......available from my website www.donwoods.co.uk