Success GPS for the Author or Speaker who wants to be paid.

The #SpeakEasy Podcast show

Summary: Jennifer Baker is powerful and entertaining. She is a 2X Best-Selling Author, Founder of Success GPS Seminars and President of Performance and Engagement Consulting. Jennifer has been selected as one of America’s Premier ExpertsTM, internationally recognized as one of the Top 100 Most Influential People from Influence Magazine, Entrepreneur, Fox, MSNBC and featured on the cover of The Good Life Magazine. Jennifer retired from her Casino Executive position in her 30’s to pursue her purpose, professionals create balance in their lives and raise her children to be positive role models and make a sustainable impact in the world.<br>Today she spends her time hanging out with her teenagers, speaking on stages ranging from start up communities, chambers and government programs for businesses to top business schools and NASA. She supports professionals and companies worldwide on subjects ranging from leadership, business technology, digital marketing, growth, accountability, Emotional Intelligence issues, conscious business practices and creating a legacy worth living for and passing on.<br>“If it is in your face, it is your responsibility”- Jennifer Baker is dedicated to helping others create a positive life of balance, recognize the important and create a positive impact by respectfully addressing critical and unpopular challenges that most hide from. Her hard-core ‘heart core’ approach is entertaining, powerful and leaves a life-long effect on her audiences.<br>If you are looking to connect with Jennifer or attend one of her Success GPS Seminars or become a collaborative partner feel free to reach out.<br><br>Social Media Handles (LinkedIn, Facebook etc.)<br>@AskJennBaker<br>Facebook: AskJennBaker<br>Linked in Jennifer Baker Biz<br>SuccessGPSEvents