30: Crystal the Wise

Femlore Podcast (formally Feminist Folklore) show

Summary: This week: a Chillean story about a lady who is too smart for her guy. Crystal, the wisest person in her kingdom, is commissioned to tutor King's daughter. While there she meets a snot-nosed prince who she doesn't like, but somehow ends up marrying (?? yea.. we wondered that too). He puts her in some really horrible situations, but its OK, because Crystal is resourceful A.F. Unfortunately, there are a lot of issues with this one. Don't worry Carlea and Rachael are ready to tell you all about 'em. Music this week is "432" by Cambo. http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Cambo/Home_1081 Don't forget to rate, review, subscribe! We have been receiving some wonderful story ideas, so keep sending them our way, listeners! Find us on Twitter @femlorepod, via email at feministfolklorepodcast@gmail.com, on Instagram @feministfolklorepodcast, and on Facebook at Feminist Folklore. If you're feeling generous, please review us on iTunes. It keeps us alive! Also, take a look at our website: www.feministfolklore.com, which has some brand *spanking new* merch.