IFB87: Buying Stocks in a Downtrend, Selecting From a List of Stocks

The Investing for Beginners Podcast - Your Path to Financial Freedom show

Summary: <br> Announcer:                        <a href="https://www.temi.com/editor/t/OpBsXVqqOGgWrtN7G4RLU8WWPYmifZnhyI6lRiSPQS15dKLvS16vaw6VJqzRUiAcz3kIqDojUFR6rcjDDvwO3f8kO7A?loadFrom=DocumentDeeplink&amp;ts=0.27">00:00</a>                     You’re<br> tuned in to the Investing for Beginners podcast. Finally, step by step premium<br> investment guidance for beginners led by Andrew and Dave to decode industry<br> jargon, silence crippling confusion, and help you overcome emotions by looking<br> at the numbers, your path to financial freedom starts. Now.<br> <br> <br> <br> Dave:                                    <a href="https://www.temi.com/editor/t/OpBsXVqqOGgWrtN7G4RLU8WWPYmifZnhyI6lRiSPQS15dKLvS16vaw6VJqzRUiAcz3kIqDojUFR6rcjDDvwO3f8kO7A?loadFrom=DocumentDeeplink&amp;ts=33.63">00:33</a>                     All<br> folks, we’ll work up for beginners podcast. This is episode seven tonight.<br> Andrew and I are going to answer a few. Yes, we got a couple of great ones and<br> we thought there would be really interesting to talk about and they’re kind of<br> relevant to what’s going on in the market as of today. So I’m going to go ahead<br> and read the first question and then Andrew and I will talk a little bit about<br> it. And then Andrew, read the second question and then we’ll talk a little bit<br> about it so that you go ahead and start.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Dave:                                    <a href="https://www.temi.com/editor/t/OpBsXVqqOGgWrtN7G4RLU8WWPYmifZnhyI6lRiSPQS15dKLvS16vaw6VJqzRUiAcz3kIqDojUFR6rcjDDvwO3f8kO7A?loadFrom=DocumentDeeplink&amp;ts=65.02">01:05</a>                     So<br> the first question, hello Andrew and Dave, thank you for doing the podcast and<br> helping beginners were in the basic principles of investing and value investing.<br> You guys have fueled my interest to learn more and they’ve given me more<br> confidence when it comes to investing. I have a question for you too. I know<br> Andrew has mentioned a past experience with fl. Hitting is trailing stop and he<br> was forced to sell. He said that he underestimated how far fl would bottom out.<br> I’ve experienced this with a few stocks that have been affected by the current<br> trade war slash terrorists with China, so my question for you too is whether<br> you have any strategy buying stocks that you feel are on a temporary downtrend.<br> How long do you wait before you buy and how can you make the call when you<br> think the stock’s won’t get anymore? Thanks, Josh. Andrew, why don’t you go<br> ahead and answer that first and then I’ll throw in my two cents.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Andrew:                              <a href="https://www.temi.com/editor/t/OpBsXVqqOGgWrtN7G4RLU8WWPYmifZnhyI6lRiSPQS15dKLvS16vaw6VJqzRUiAcz3kIqDojUFR6rcjDDvwO3f8kO7A?loadFrom=DocumentDeeplink&amp;ts=116.15">01:56</a>           &amp;nb...