08: When You Feel Like a Failure: 10 Questions to Ask

The Christian Habits Podcast show

Summary: <a href="https://barbraveling.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/When-You-Feel-Like-a-Failure-10-Questions-to-Ask1.jpg"></a>Do you ever feel like a complete and total failure? Do you ever feel like a mild loser?<br> Either way, this podcast will help. We’ll go through the self-condemnation questions and insecurity Bible verses from <a href="https://amzn.to/387p54l">I Deserve a Donut </a>with our own failures in mind.<br> To listen on iTunes:<a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-christian-habits-podcast/id899589208?mt=2" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> click here</a><br> Here are the questions we’ll be discussing (these are in the book and the android app, but they’re not in the iPhone app as I wrote them after publishing the app):<br> Insecurity: Self-Condemnation Questions<br> <br> * Why do you think you’re a failure (terrible person, bad Christian, etc.)?<br> * Does that really make you a failure (terrible person/bad Christian, etc.)? Why or why not? *<br> * Whose standards are you using to determine whether or not you’re acceptable?<br> * What does God think of those standards?<br> * How does God feel about you? (See insecurity verses for ideas.)<br> * God is not a condemning perfectionist parent. He’s a loving Father who says, “Come to me, my beloved, and let me help.” In what areas do you need help?<br> * Take some time to ask Him to help you with those areas.<br> * Is there anything you need to accept?<br> * Is there anything God wants you to do?<br> * What can you thank God for in this situation?<br> <br> * If you’re having a hard time answering this question, look through the insecurity verses and think about grace. If you’re going the bad Christian route, think about the life of David and Romans 3:23.<br> Possible things you’ll need to accept: that you’ll never be as good as you want to be, that others will see your imperfections (just as you see their imperfections), and that you’ll fail at times. Everyone does—it’s part of the human condition, so you might as well get used to it!<br> Possible things you’ll need to confess: condemning someone God loves (you!), giving yourself permission to give up because you feel like a failure, and making “success” more important than God wants you to make it.<br> Click on the following link for the insecurity Bible verses: <a href="https://barbraveling.com/2012/09/21/insecurity-bible-verses/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Insecurity Bible Verses</a><br> &lt;enclosure url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/christianhabits/When_You_Feel_Like_a_Loser.mp3″ length=”13690779″ type=”audio/mpeg” &gt;&lt;/enclosure&gt;<br>