SC011: The Law of the Teaching Process

Simply Convivial: Organization & Mindset for Home & Homeschool show

Summary: Welcome to The Simply Convivial Audio Blog! Releasing weekly on Wednesdays, this podcast brings you short &amp; meaty focus sessions to help you keep your head in the game as a classical homeschool mom. Check out the <a href="">podcast page here</a> and please <a href="">leave a review</a>. Thanks!<br> <a href="">Season 2: Seven Laws of Teaching Your Own</a><br> Law 5: Law of the Teaching Process<br> Excite and direct the self-activities of the pupil, and as a rule tell him nothing he can learn himself.This, claims Gregory, is the most widely recognized rule among good teachers. Although there may be times to disregard this law — when time is of the essence, when the child is ill or weak, or when the child is discouraged, for example — however, for the most part, the teacher is to “make [her] pupil a discoverer of truth” — make him find out for himself.<br> Read the original post: <a href="">Seven Laws of Teaching Your Own: Law of the Teaching Process</a><br> <br> Listen:<br> Resources:<br> <br> <a href=";qid=1476850635&amp;sr=8-2&amp;keywords=seven+laws+of+teaching&amp;linkCode=li3&amp;tag=simplyconvivial-20&amp;linkId=2294e623c174b9684088f9023bcc5098" target="_blank"></a><br> Simple Sanity Saver: Audit Your Stuff<br> This section of the homeschool audit is about the actual tangibles and tools that help us or hinder us. These are the prompts that remind us how important it is to declutter and keep things streamlined. 

Walk through a typical day in your mind’s eye and list out what supplies you or your kids need at hand – and where you need them. Can you set up the stuff to reduce friction and resistance? Can you smooth out some hiccups to your schedule by making sure you have what you need where you need it? Does everything have a home? Does everything have a purpose? Is the space you have used wisely or is it all just a jumble? Jumbled stuff will slow you down. We can’t get rid of the people that slow us down, because they are our job, but if stuff is slowing us down, we should get rid of it.<br> Sometimes, the best organizing tool is your garbage can.<br> Spread the word!<br> <a href="">Leaving a review on iTunes</a> will help other homeschooling moms discover this podcast!<br> <br> <br>