SC021: Virtue Is the Goal of Classical Education

Simply Convivial: Organization & Mindset for Home & Homeschool show

Summary: <a href="">Season 4: Classical Education Basics</a><br> Although the idea of classical homeschooling can be intimidating and appear unreachable, it is far more down-to-earth than we might think. This task is not too lofty for us, homeschooling moms with households to run; in fact, our very lifestyles are an asset, not a hindrance.<br> If you’ve ever thought you needed to focus more on character than your curriculum checklist, you might be more classical than you think.<br> We don’t need to abandon structure or high standards in order to focus on character, though we are right to swing the pendulum that direction.<br> After all, one’s soul is more important than one’s resumé.<br> Read the original post: <a href="">Virtue as the Goal of Education</a><br> <br> Listen:<br> Recommended Books:<br> <br> <a href=";ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1487292719&amp;sr=1-1&amp;keywords=liberal+arts+tradition&amp;linkCode=li3&amp;tag=simplyconvivial-20&amp;linkId=8edef5d790a2084ffd7813a4c93ff32c" target="_blank"></a> <a href=";qid=1487292508&amp;sr=8-16&amp;keywords=classical+education&amp;linkCode=li3&amp;tag=simplyconvivial-20&amp;linkId=58b30450a566511e0e644825b0ff82fb" target="_blank"></a> <a href=";pd_rd_i=1885767854&amp;pd_rd_r=FHZ9NTAH864N2HKB4XY2&amp;pd_rd_w=JxfrS&amp;pd_rd_wg=d5YCW&amp;psc=1&amp;refRID=FHZ9NTAH864N2HKB4XY2&amp;linkCode=li3&amp;tag=simplyconvivial-20&amp;linkId=752647750c86ffc9f3ee2de550312d3c" target="_blank"></a><br> <br> Simple Sanity Saver: What’s on my attitude alignment sheet?<br> A morning attitude alignment sheet is an attitude focusing tool. It’s simple and straightforward, and might even seem silly. But it’s effective. Try it. I dare you.<br> Here’s one of my favorites from the Conviction attitude alignment sheet I created for the first module of <a href="">The Art of Homeschooling</a>:<br> <br> We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action. –Frank Tibolt<br> <br> When I read this – maybe even copy it – I am reminded that it doesn’t matter whether I feel like starting the school day or not, it’s what I need to do. Start, and the inspiration follows – sometimes, anyway. It doesn’t matter if I feel like doing the dishes or folding the laundry. It doesn’t matter if I feel like exercising – it’s in the middle of choosing to do the right thing instead of the convenient feel-good thing that I actually do feel good and become inspired to keep going. Instead of letting my momentary desires dictate my path, I can make a conscious decision that will change my trajectory and that trajectory will increase my inspiration and my productivity.<br> If an attitude and motivation readjustment is what you need, check out The Art of Homeschooling, a five-step program for weary, overwrought homeschool moms.<br> Download your own free attitude alignment sheet below. Then use discount code podcast to get $10 off <a href="">The Art of Homeschooling</a> – you’ll love it, or I’ll give you your money back, right away.<br> Get started with a free attitude alignment cheat sheet that will help keep you focused on what matters:<br> Spread the word!<br> <a href="">Leaving a review on iTunes</a> will help other homeschooling moms discover this podcast!<br>