99: A Sandwich and Some HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

A Sandwich and Some Lovin’ show

Summary: We are so excited to kick off a brand new year with our podcast family!! Kellie and Allen talk about their favorite parts of Christmas. What were their favorite presents? What did rescue dog Larry do that left Allen's father GROWLING?? How did the stomach flu almost wreck New Year's Eve??? Kellie and Allen also review their Bucket Lists from 2018\. Who had the biggest fail? And they also discuss some of their items from their 2019 lists. Find out how you can win a beautiful Erimish bracelet stack AND get details on the first ever A Sandwich and Some Lovin' Adults Only Family Vacation! Thank you to our podcast sponsors: Ritual.com/Sandwich -- Use this special web address to start your year with Essential for Women. ThirdLove.com/Sandwich -- Use this special web address to find your perfect-fitting bra and get 15% off your first order. Stamps.com -- Click the microphone at the top of the homepage and enter the code Sandwich to receive a special offer that includes a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale.