Prepping and Survival Mentality pt 2

The Prepper Broadcasting Network show

Summary: What really drives a prepper and their motivations? I am not a big fan of fear driving anything that I do. However, there is a time for most beginner preppers that starts with fear and reaction. However, before lone you begin to pan out from all that worry of what could happen and you start to see the bigger In short, you begin to create your own mentality. It becomes your way of prioritizing things on the large list of preps needed. It becomes how you face each day and before long it becomes how you live your life. You see, what they don't tell you about prepping is that its like a symbiote. You might feel like you are in control at first but before long it changes you. If your lucky, prepping and self reliance will take you on the most incredible journey. There are many types of prepping and survival mental out there. You will find all kinds of kinds even in the prepping world. From lone wolves who look to face a SHTF scenario on their own to the stockpiling bug in mentality.