Ali Levitan of General Assembly – Routines and Relationships – Tuesday

Moms Got This show

Summary: When spouses support passions, thinking ahead about college, organized chaos at home, rewarding behavior with sticker charts, encouraging your kid to play with more kids, and a great mom hack for getting rid of bedtime monsters. Ali Levitan, Head of Media Practice at General Assembly, shares her mom routines and relationships with Stacy Igel and Michelle Park. (Instagram: @alijacobslevitan)<br> In this episode:<br> <br> Stacy's husband wanting their son to like both parents' alma maters, and the resulting competition<br> Ali's relationship, having to support husbands' passions<br> Thinking ahead on college experience choices for your young kids<br> Organized chaos at home, developing routines<br> How Ali and her husband implemented a sticker chart above her son's bed, and how it is very important to him to get all three stickers each day<br> Pushing to play with more kids<br> A "No Monster Switch" as a great parent hack at bedtime<br> <br> To share your #MOMSGOTTHIS MOMENT just call 833-844-THIS-MOM (833-844-7666) and leave a voicemail with your first name and city along with your moment.<br> <br> Since 2011, General Assembly has transformed tens of thousands of careers through pioneering, experiential education in today’s most in-demand skills.  Ali is a master networker, connector, and media thought leader. Strategic business executive with over 15 years of sales, marketing, creative, and client solutions expertise with enterprises and startups. Success in developing, executing, and negotiating innovative partnerships that drive business impact and ROI.