#130 – Hoopy Undue Pondiseedoo

Cinema Crespodiso show

Summary: (Right Click Download Link To Save)<br> In episode 130, Chris Crespo and Drewster Cogburn review Terminator Genisys and Me and Earl and the Dying Girl.<br> Also discussed:<br> The Woz on the Steve Jobs trailer.<br> A Pinocchio live action movie is being made by some unlikely folks.<br> CHiPs is being made into a movie.<br> The Monopoly movie is still being produced.<br> The Rock got a cool fan letter.<br> 16,000 people watched Back to the Future Part II with a live orchestra, and so much more!<br> <br> <a href="http://chriscrespo.com/category/cinema-crespodiso/" target="_blank">Listen to all back episodes of Cinema Crespodiso for FREE at ChrisCrespo.com</a>!<br> www.twitter.com/IamChrisCrespo<br> www.twitter.com/Crespodiso<br> www.twitter.com/Antihero419<br> www.facebook.com/cinemacrespodiso<br> www.instagram.com/cinemacrespodiso<br> CinemaCrespodiso@gmail.com<br>