EP 409 – Have You Checked Your Prophetic Checkbox?

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: <br> <br> We are joined by none other than the president of <a href="https://leadingsaints.org/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">LeadingSaints</a>, Kurt Francom, to go over the week's news. Kurt is the best!<br> <br> Reportedly, Latter-day Saint temple ceremonies are about to receive a refresh of sorts, with rumors (ah, the Mormon rumor mill) stating that the endowment will be shortened and perhaps rescripted to be more equitable toward both genders. Of course, it's all speculation, and based on what's "leaked," we might know more details by the time you listen to this.<br> <br> <br> <br> In the wake of the <a href="http://thisweekinmormons.com/2018/08/the-church-of-jesus-christ-of-latter-day-saints-abandons-mormon-branding/">Church ditching "Mormon" branding,</a> some online groups were quick to alter their names to reflect the Prophet's counsel. Others took more time. Others, like This Week in Mormons, are still pondering how to go about it. However, what appears to be emerging is yet another cultural checklist item, where the purported righteous among us embrace those that quickly de-Mormoned themselves and question or judge those that have not. This is a slippery slope, friends.<br> <br> Are you ready for two-hour church? This week is the week! Kurt and Geoff converse about what their respective wards have been doing in preparation for the monumental shift, and Kurt reminds us that we've kinda been down this road before.<br> <br> ICYMI, sister missionaries <a href="http://thisweekinmormons.com/2018/12/female-latter-day-saint-mormon-missionaries-worldwide-wear-pants/">now have even more flexibility to wear pants</a>, following an <a href="http://thisweekinmormons.com/2016/05/some-female-mormon-missionaries-can-now-wear-slacks-thank-zika/">initial rollout of such guidelines in 2016</a>.<br> <br> Is President Nelson the oldest person on Instagram?! These are the hard-hitting issues! <a href="https://kutv.com/news/local/lds-church-president-russell-m-nelson-on-instagram-possibly-oldest-user-on-app" target="_blank" rel="noopener">KUTV might have the answer</a> to this crucial, game-changing question.<br> <br> Our own Jeff Borders, author of the great column, "<a href="http://thisweekinmormons.com/category/the-convert-files/">The Convert Files</a>," provided us with <a href="http://thisweekinmormons.com/2018/12/2018-a-latter-day-saint-once-mormon-year-in-review">a solid breakdown of 2018</a> in Latter-day Saintdom. Check it out and get a final refresher before embracing 2019.<br> <br> A wonderful man has produced painting of fallen missionaries for those missionaries' families. <a href="https://kutv.com/features/inside-the-story/inside-the-story-emotional-art-unites-families-who-lost-latter-day-saint-missionaries" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Read the story with the link</a>, but watch the video below.<br> <br> <br> <br> Lastly, a genius Mormon gave his parents a painting of Jesus for Christmas. They loved it! The only problem is, <a href="https://www.thisisinsider.com/utah-man-gives-parents-a-jesus-portrait-of-obi-wan-kenobi-for-christmas-2018-12?utm_content=buffer264af&amp;fbclid=IwAR3Jvkn-KepduBFkcc0oWZM0wDuMMs5JjyvdI_emvUS6XGIYF2F3Uoua098" target="_blank" rel="noopener">it was actually a picture of Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kenobi</a>. And Kurt hates pranks!<br> <br> <a href="https://www.patreon.com/thisweekinmormons" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a><br> <br> Please <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/this-week-in-mormons/id354973564?mt=2">support TWiM by writing a review on iTunes</a>. it might seem insignificant, but it actually plays a big role in our visibility. It'll take you less than five minutes, and if your review is worthwhile, we'll give you a shoutout!