Joseph Kabila on DRC elections and future: 'The sky is the limit' | Talk to Al Jazeera

Al Jazeera World show

Summary: President Joseph Kabila came to power in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2001, taking over from his father, Laurent Kabila, who was assassinated by one of his own child soldier bodyguards. Joseph Kabila was initially credited with bringing relative peace and reviving the mining of the country's vast mineral reserves. But conflicts persist and millions of Congolese remain trapped in extreme poverty amid widespread allegations of corruption. His second and final constitutional mandate ended two years ago, but he stayed in power, amid growing protests and calls for him to step aside. Congolese are finally due to head to the polls on Sunday to choose a new leader. Joseph Kabila, the president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, talks to Al Jazeera. - Subscribe to our channel: - Follow us on Twitter: - Find us on Facebook: - Check our website: