All about Oral Sex - Level Two

Six Minute Sex Ed show

Summary: Welcome back to Six Minute Sex Ed, the podcast that helps families talk about sex and relationships. My name’s Kim Cavill. I’m a sex education teacher and I’m so glad you’re back. Today’s episode: All about Oral Sex Kim starts by explaining what oral sex is: any stimulation of a vulva, anus, penis, or adult toy by someone’s mouth, tongue, or lips. Oral sex and hand sex, or stimulation of the vulva/penis/anus with hands and fingers, often go together, but today's episode focuses on oral sex. Kim covers various slang terms for oral sex: cunnilingus, blow job, fellatio, “suck off”, rimming, sixty nine, and analingus, then answers the seven most common questions young people ask in the classroom. 1. Is it sex? Yes, oral sex is a type of sex and it’s very, very common. It’s natural and nothing to be ashamed of or guilty about, no matter what other people say. 2. Can you get pregnant from oral sex? No, if we're just talking about straight up oral sex and nothing else, pregnancy isn't a risk. 3. Can you get STIs? Yes, all bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can be sexually transmitted can be transmitted through oral sex, including HIV. 4. How do you protect yourself from STIs? Correct and consistent usage of external condoms and dental dams are the best way to reduce the risk of STI transmission during oral sex. PrEP and PEP can be used to reduce the risk of HIV transmission, but do not prevent any other STIs. A dedicated PrEP/PEP episode is coming soon. Want to know how to use a condom? Check out this video: - Want to know how to use a dental dam? Check out this video: 5. Do you have to have oral sex? No. Sex is supposed to be a choice freely made, which means it's not OK to pressure people into sex. If that has happened in the past, or is happening, here are some resources for help - call RAINN at 1-800-656-4673 or use their online chat at - or use text the Crisis Text Line to be connected to a counselor by texting HOME to 741741 6. What if I smell bad? Hygiene is super simple. No special douches or creams needed, just wash with a gentle soap like you do the rest of your body. Has the smell suddenly changed? Is the odor strong and foul? Time for a health check. Use this link to find a clinic: 7. How do I know if I'm doing it right? There is no one way to perform or receive oral sex. Knowing how to give or receive oral sex is not about mimicking pornography, which is sex as entertainment, not actual sex. Actual sex is about knowing yourself and your partner, being able to communicate, checking in with one another, and taking care of one another by minimizing risk. Conversation starters: What have you heard from other people about oral sex and how does what you've heard make you feel? Where in your area can you get external condoms and dental dams? (If you don't know, check out this link to find FREE condoms: Thanks for listening today! If you like the podcast, support the podcast. Rate/review wherever you get your podcasts and support me on Patreon for $3/month and get a private coaching session with me: