#14 How to stop feeling so dang guilty around food

Own it Babe show

Summary: In this episode, I am diving deep into… guilt. Whether this is guilt over eating certain foods, guilt over eating too much food, guilt over not exercising enough and generally guilt over not being a good enough mom, sister, partner, friend, … human. I am teaching you how to finally let go of this crippling feeling, so you can live your truth and feel liberated! My online course Self Love Jump Start is still on sale until Jan. 3rd, 2019, so make sure you get your hands on this powerful material at courses.ownitbabe.ca/courses, before the value of this course goes up. This is a perfect companion for this busy holiday season, because it teaches you how to set a solid self care and self love foundation, as well as how to manifest and create more joy in your life. Learn more about Rini Frey at https://ownitbabe.ca or on Instagram at https://instagram.com/ownitbabe