007 - Running Your First Ironman Triathlon: An Interview with Tom Parling

The 5 AM Miracle: Healthy Productivity for High Achievers show

Summary: Have you ever wanted to run a triathlon? How about an Ironman? In today's episode of <a href="https://www.jeffsanders.com/itunes">The 5 AM Miracle Podcast</a> I interview Tom Parling and we discuss the process of running your first Ironman Triathlon.<br><br>Let's put all the cards on the table: running a full Ironman is <strong><em>incredibly hard</em></strong>. Not only has Tom recently completed one, but he pulled off months of rigorous training while simultaneously running his own social media company.<br><br><strong>Download the Script<br></strong><br>Here you have access to the script that I use to record each episode. This is not a complete word-for-word transcript, though it does provide you with a detailed account of what I do to produce every episode of this podcast. If that sounds even the slightest bit interesting, then go ahead and <a href="https://s3.amazonaws.com/jcom-scripts/5amScript007.pdf">download the script</a>.<br><br><strong>The Tip of the Week<br></strong><br>Today’s tip is my response to a listener question and what to eat on long runs: real food.<ol> <li> <strong>Laura</strong> ::: How can I accomplish a lot each day and still get to bed on time?</li> <li> <a href="https://www.jeffsanders.com/raw-vegan-running-recipes/">Raw Vegan Running Recipes</a> [blog post]</li> <li> <a href="http://myvega.com/">Vega</a> ::: Plant-Based nutrition for athletes</li> </ol><strong>Featured Content<br></strong><br>In this episode, <strong>I interview Ironman Triathlete and Entrepreneur, Tom Parling</strong>. We discuss a variety of topics, including:<ol> <li>Who is Tom Parling?</li> <li>What is Ocere?</li> <li>What is it really like to run your first Ironman?</li> <li>How much training is involved?</li> <li>Which segment of the race is most difficult?</li> <li>How can a newbie get started today?</li> <li>What is your typical daily schedule like?</li> </ol><strong>Resources Mentioned in the Show</strong><ol> <li> <a href="http://ocere.com/">Ocere</a> ::: a leading global provider of search marketing, digital marketing, and online strategic consulting to enable businesses to get optimum benefit from the Internet.</li> <li> <a href="http://www.ironman.com/">Ironman Triathlon</a> ::: easily one of the hardest races on the planet</li> </ol><strong>Announcements</strong><ol><li>Next week's episode will be <strong>an interview with Plant-Based Marathon Runner, P.J. Murphy from </strong>RunYogaThrive.com.</li></ol><strong>Your Feedback<br></strong><br>If you enjoyed the show, please <a href="https://www.jeffsanders.com/itunes/">rate my podcast in iTunes</a> and write a brief review. That would help tremendously in getting the word out. Thanks a bunch!<br><br><strong><em>Question: Are you considering running your first triathlon? How about a half or full Ironman? Let me know in the comments below.</em></strong>