ADVENTCAzT 2018 21: “Jesus wanted to be born in a manger.”

Fr. Z's Blog show

Summary: Once again this year I offer short daily podcasts to help you prepare for the upcoming feast as well as for your own, personal, meeting with the Lord. Here is ADVENTCAzT 21, for Saturday in the 3rd Week of Advent. Gaudete! These 5 minute offerings are a token of gratitude especially for my benefactors.  Thank you! Today we hear a bit about the Nativity of the Lord from reflections on the Rosary by the late Archbp. Marcel Lefebvre.   Then Augustine and Sheen help us out. Have some Mystic Monk Coffee and have a listen! Chime in if you listened. PS: These podcasts should also be available through my iTunes feed, though maybe not immediately. Let me know how you are listening.  Through the plug in on this post? Through iTunes? Downloading?