Overcoming The Fear Of Launching Work

The Accidental Creative show

Summary: Have you ever had an idea burning inside of you that you knew could really take off, yet you just couldn't stir up the courage to take the first steps? Unfortunately, many people choose to let those ideas die because they refuse to step outside of their comfort zone. Instead of taking strategic steps in the direction of their goals, they keep waiting for just the perfect moment to take a chance. (Of course, there is no perfect moment. Risks are inconvenient by nature.)<br> <br> On this episode, I re-visit a conversation with <a href="https://accidental.wpengine.com/podcasts/ac/julien/">Julien Smith</a> about the launch of his company <a href="http://breather.com">Breather</a>, and share three core principles to help you put your valuable work into the world every day.