Holly Hurd and Lynda Cheldelin Fell

Fearless Fabulous You show

Summary: Holly Hurd, Founder of VentureMom.com, says she helps women make money in their sleep. Holly shares tips to being a successful startup entrepreneur from her book, "Venture Mom: From Idea to Income in Just 12 Weeks." If you have an idea and talent, Holly says you can start a business. Lynda Cheldelin Fell, award winning author of the bestselling "Grief Diaries" book series, discusses coping with loss and bereavement and helping someone going through the journey, especially during the holidays.<br><br>This show is broadcast live on Monday's at 4PM ET on W4WN Radio – The Women 4 Women Network (<a href="http://www.w4wn.com" rel="noopener">www.w4wn.com</a>) part of Talk 4 Radio (<a href="http://www.talk4radio.com/)" rel="noopener">http://www.talk4radio.com/)</a> on the Talk 4 Media Network (<a href="http://www.talk4media.com/)" rel="noopener">http://www.talk4media.com/)</a>.