Ep 03- Jeremy Cowart: "A World of Possibilities"

Viewfinders Podcast show

Summary: In this episode of Viewfinders, Nick Fancher interviews Nashville-based designer/artist/photographer/inventor Jeremy Cowart. They discuss the following: How he transitioned from a graphic designer to shooting Hollywood productions almost overnight  How he developed his many ideas into inventions, business endeavors, and non-profits. such as Help Portrait and See University. His upcoming book, “I’m Possible” His transition from photography into launching the Purpose Hotel What caused him to return to his original passion of painting and fine art How he is implementing major dietary changes in order to clear his head and improve mood Photographer’s Mentioned:  Frank Ockenfels- https://fwo3.com/; https://www.instagram.com/fwo3/ Dan Winters- https://www.danwintersphoto.com/; https://www.instagram.com/danwintersphoto/ Tim Walker- https://www.timwalkerphotography.com/; Annie Leibovitz- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annie_Leibovitz All music by Doctor Turtle- https://doctorturtle.bandcamp.com/