A Child and Big Government

The Saturate Podcast show

Summary: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br> Wherever he reigns, His thriving and flourishing will be there, too! His law is peace.<br> <br> On May 19, 2018, Prince Harry of England married Meghan Markle in Windsor, England. The event was marked by the usual fanfare of such weddings: notable people, extravagant clothing, international media, commentary, vows, a sermon, a bridal veil, and love. There were a few notable or unique things that happened: Meghan walked herself two-thirds of the way down the aisle until her future father-in-law, Prince Charles, walked with her the last third, but by no means “gave her away.” Furthermore, Meghan was the first mixed race (being half black and white) to marry into the Royal family. Even more unconventional, she also wasn’t of nobility, had been divorced, was an actress, and an American. Even though Harry is quite far from the throne and all of those previously mentioned factors, this wedding became the most-watched royal wedding in history. More people watched this wedding than William and Kate’s, and more than his father’s wedding to Lady Diana. Most ordinarily, however, it was a wedding. <br> <br> The morning after, a journalist for an international news magazine wrote an article with this headline: “This Wedding Changes Everything!” The journalist went on to note everything I just mentioned and expound on how the ceremony was transforming international politics, racism, sexism, and even religious strife all in one swoop. Implied is this: elections, education, fame, power, laws, military, Hollywood, or even weddings can heal our broken world.<br> <br> However, the other headlines from that day in the United States were about the president being subpoenaed, a shooting at a school in Texas, and the falling apart of nuclear talks with North Korea. And yet, a wedding in Windsor had changed everything!<br> <br> It’s understandable to hope in that sort type of transformation—that variety of world peace. It’s a lovely sentiment; the love and union of two highly famous people could change the world. After all, fame facilitates change. Plus, they are two highly educated and talented people, which, in our post-enlightened viewpoint, leads to the greatest types of change. Education, talent, and reason are the beginnings of world change! Add to all these factors ethnic and historical backgrounds, TV ratings, and the wardrobes and it’s not hard to exclaim, “This Changes Everything!” Even though we all know it doesn’t. The world doesn’t work that way. World peace doesn’t arrive that way. <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br> Fame, education, talent, power, and personality do not solve the world’s deep problems of injustice, evil, and war. In fact, we instinctively know this wedding likely won’t change a human heart outside the two central figures who exchanged vows and their future children. Here lies the problem: if all the talent, power, fame, and beauty in the world can’t defeat the anxiety, depression, anger, and angst within your own heart, how could it transform the world?  What can bring it peace?<br> <br> The promise in the Story of God says, a Child, a Son, and His government or rule. Isaiah 9:2-7 says:<br> The people walking in darkness<br> have seen a great light;<br> on those living in the land of deep darkness<br> a light has dawned.<br> You have enlarged the nation<br> and increased their joy;<br> they rejoice before you<br> as people rejoice at the harvest,<br> as warriors rejoice<br> when dividing the plunder.<br> For as in the day of Midian’s defeat,<br> you have shattered<br> the yoke that burdens them,<br> the bar across their shoulders,<br> the rod of their oppressor.<br> Every warrior’s boot used in battle<br> and every garment rolled in blood<br> will be destined for burning,<br>