24: When the World Gets Loud We Head to the Mountains

Pop Culture & Youth Ministry: What it is and what it means show

Summary: Dec. 12th, 2018. In this episode of What It Is What It Means Jeff got invited to teach at The Joshua Wilderness Institute, as a part of Hume Lake Camps. We spent the time sitting down with "gap year" students who range in age of 18-25 and ask them what it is like to focus their year on God and get away from essentially ALL Pop Culture. Is it a good thing, difficult, and what did they learn? All this and so much more, on What It Is What It Means!<br><br>Sponsor:<br>Give Central<br>Givecentral.org<br><br>Join DYMU today! Jeff and his church are doing the same thing!<br><a href="https://www.dymuniversity.com/a/10517/gj9ddTWh" rel="noopener">https://www.dymuniversity.com/a/10517/gj9ddTWh</a><br><br>Joshua Wilderness Institute<br><a href="https://hume.org/joshua/home/" rel="noopener">https://hume.org/joshua/home/</a><br><br>Hume Lake<br><a href="https://hume.org/" rel="noopener">https://hume.org/</a><br><br>Check out the DYM Podcast Network:<br>Podcast.downloadyouthministry.com<br>Connect with us on the Web!<br>Instagram-@whatitiswhatitmeans<br><a href="mailto:Email-whatitiswhatitimeans@gmail.com">Email-whatitiswhatitimeans@gmail.com</a>