Episode 154- Sanjay Rawal: Running as Prayer in "3100: Run and Become"

Touching the Trail Podcast show

Summary: “Humanity evolves not because of physical need, but because of spiritual need.” -Sanjay Rawal To tell a truly compelling story is one of the most difficult challenges. To tell a truly compelling story about the Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race, an up to 52-day race that takes place around a half mile block in Queens, is even more so. Documentarian Sanjay Rawal was not only able to compellingly tell the story of this race, in his film "3100: Run and Become", but to use the race as a canvas to tell the stories of the Kalahari San Bushmen, the Mt. Hei Monks, and the runners of the Navajo Nation. Sanjay is a wise man who can coherently translate the lessons he’s learned from making this film, and becoming an expert on these various cultures, into a tangible perspective on what they hold for our day to day lives. Traveling the world and becoming immersed in these running cultures has provided Sanjay the intimate understanding that running is not strictly for fitness, competition, or punishment, but that running is a prayer. To share the message that running and spirituality are deeply interconnected, since the dawn of our species, was the mission of the film. Combining the simple act of running and the power of spirituality has always been a focus of mine and so learning from Sanjay was an honor. In today’s episode we delve into the connection between running and spirituality, the making of the film, what we can learn from the stories of the cultures Sanjay covered, how to learn from failure, how to apply the lessons of endurance to day to day life, living truthfully, finding a flow state, humility, using running as a tool for change, and more. AUM, Jarod Contreras "3100: Run and Become" Available Now On Digital! (iTunes, Google Play, Amazon) 3100film.com Find Sanjay: Instagram: instagram.com/mrsanjayr/?hl=en Twitter: twitter.com/mrsanjayr?lang=en Facebook: facebook.com/sanjaydrawal Support Touching the Trail: touchingthetrail.com/donate targetreleaserecovery.com Find Touching the Trail: touchingthetrail.com Touching the Trail Weekly: eepurl.com/bEENNP Instagram: @touchingthetrail instagram.com/touchingthetrail Twitter: @touchthetrail twitter.com/touchthetrail Facebook: Touching the Trail facebook.com/touchingthetrail