TechByter Worldwide 2018-12-09: Acronis Saves Your Computer's Operating System. Short Circuits. Spare Parts.

TechByter Worldwide (formerly Technology Corner) with Bill Blinn show

Summary: The latest version of Acronis TrueImage includes image backups, disk cloning, file and directory backup, and active defenses against ransomware. It's available as a subscription with or without on-line backup or as an application with a perpetual license. In Short Circuits: Microsoft may or may not rename its hapless Edge browser, but one big thing will change: Soon it will be based on Google's Chromium rendering engine. OneNote has been one of my favorite Microsoft applications for many years, but development has been halted as of the 2016 desktop version and the replacement is a much inferior Windows 10 app. Fortunately, users can still obtain the older, better version. One might wonder why Marriott waited 71 days to announce that customer information was exposed to crooks for half a billion people who stayed at the company's Starwood hotels. In Spare Parts (only on the website): With no action likely from the government to provide high-speed internet access in rural areas, Microsoft is expanding its program to do what the government should be doing. • Thousands of video programs from the British Broadcasting Corporation's educational titles will be made available to participating libraries by ProQuest. • A free application is intended to help children who have math-averse parents and research by the University of Chicago suggests that it's working.