Wot 'ave I got in my Hand?

Don Woods show

Summary: .The Paris riots have been headlining the news here....it's over fuel prices.....and the oil companies deserve it...they have been ripping us off for years....they are greedy money grabbers who prey on the general public and I think this could be the tip of the iceberg....the public are getting sick of complaining with no-one taking any notice and this is the answer........also the police can now ram idiots on mopeds who terrorise the streets and commit crimes on stolen bikes.....naturally the doo-gooders come out of the woodwork saying how wrong this is.....however a member of the force came on the radio saying these yobs don't have to steel bikes and commit crimes....it's their choice.....if they choose to do so they must face the consequences.....at last a bit of welcome sense. 2.I've just watched an item on our wonderful news programmes....apparently engagement rings are now belittling women....and a girl who won an award as the best player in women's football was asked to twerk when she got the award...this has caused OUTRAGE!!!! the feminists are on the march.....as the ladies continue to try and take over the world I think it is just a matter of time before they implode as their ideas could seriously affect those who dress provocatively and latch on to some very rich male and relieve him of his fortune....thus they will end up fighting against each other as us poor downtrodden males look on before we get back to the way things used to be...when we had humour and common sense.......we are constantly being told that"You can't say that"....because it's racist or homophobic or sexist etc etc....what I would love to know is WHO SAYS SO???....what ever happened to freedom of speech....these "holier than thousr" have been missing the point of humour for years...the character of Alf Garnett for example was there to ridicule people like him who were racist and how many idiots missed the point of Monty Python's Life of Brian?....get a life folks you are becoming boring. 3.Noel Edmunds went into the celebrity jungle thing and was voted out after 9 days......for which he received 600 grand.....personally I could never stand the bloke but no entertainer is worth that obscene amount.....whoever agreed to pay him that should be brought to task.....at least it was ITV which doesn't cost me.....but I am delighted to donate to Chris Evans' 2 million a year on the BBC through my TV licence....are they taking the proverbial or what?.....and I have yet to work out what skills are required to read the news......and justify some ridiculous salaries.....nice work if you can get it. 4.Englebert Humperdinck was on morning TV being interviewed and I must say he looked pretty good for his age...I'm not particularly a fan but I always admire people who look after themselves...he is 83 and virtually looks like he always did......Cliff is another who doesn't change.....I often wonder why some of these pop stars build up a fan base then decide to grow a beard and crop their hair etc and completely change their appearance which after all was part of the original attraction.................and I recently watched a documentary on Marc Bolan which was quite interesting....I never got him at the time...then again all that flower power and "love and peace man" totally left me cold.... but the programme was very well done as it went through his life which was tragically cut short. 5.The song this week failed to make the classical charts.....it was a jingle I did back in the day for my mate Norman Thomas who worked on Radio City in Liverpool.....he had a daily competition whereby the listeners had to guess what Norman had in his hand by asking questions....with hilarious results.....there was a short jingle and this one which is the 12 inch version (no comments please).....Norman sadly passed away some years ago so this is dedicated to him..... I give you "What have I got in me 'and".