25: F*** Society | College Dropout To 6 Figure Entrepreneur At Age 20 | Kendall Strampel @Fearstofit

Impact School with Lauren Tickner show

Summary: WOW, you're in for a treat. My guest today is a '98 baby. Her name is Kendall Strampel and she's a six figure earner at the age of just 20. If you're an influencer and you'd like me (@laurentickner) to help you scale your business from where it is now to multiple six figures like I helped Kendall do, then please email me: lauren@impact-through-influence.com In this episode, you're going to learn: -Why NOT to conform to society's standards -How Kendall went from working in Maccy D's to building a six figure business -How to know if the entrepreneurial route is for you -The thoughts you'll definitely be having if the job you're in is NOT for you -Education vs TARGETED education -How to seek mentorship -The most important things when it comes to RESOURCES MENTIONED: Impact Your Business - GET YOUR NEXT CLIENT CHALLENGE: http://http://bit.ly/impact-your-business The free workshop I'm doing with Teachable: http://sendmeto.teachable.com/lp7p7?utm_campaign=2018_10-summit&utm_medium=speaker&utm_term=lauren-tickner Kendall's Challenge: https://fearstofit.typeform.com/to/K83JW1