16: Welcome to Test and Code

Test & Code - Software Testing, Development, Python show

Summary: <p>This is a small episode. </p> <p>I'm changing the name from the "Python Test Podcast" to "Test &amp; Code".<br> I just want to discuss the reasons behind this change, and take a peek at what's coming up in the future for this podcast.</p> <p><strong>Links</strong></p> <ul> <li><a href="http://testandcode.com/7" rel="nofollow">The Waterfall Model and "Managing the Development of Large Software Systems"</a></li> <li><a href="http://tesatandcode.com/14" rel="nofollow">Josh Kalderimis from Travis CI</a></li> </ul><p><a rel="payment" href="https://www.patreon.com/testpodcast">Support Test &amp; Code - Software Testing, Development, Python</a></p>