011: Overcoming Discouragement.

Cultivate a Good Life show

Summary: Discouragement is inevitable part of life … but there ARE ways to climb out. Our dear friend and special guest, Amanda Taylor, spent a good 6+ years in a place of unhappiness, even though she really seemed to “have it all”. Anxiety, depression, feelings of failure and defeat, plus other heavy burdens, felt crippling and debilitating. Amanda shares how she successfully worked through — and how she continues to work though — those internal issues. No matter what kind of discouragement you’re feeling, you are sure to benefit from hearing about her experiences and glean from her advice. Show notes can be found at BeckyHiggins.com/Blog. Follow us on instagram — @CultivateAGoodLife. And pretty please leave us a review on iTunes; it would mean the WORLD to us! Plus, we randomly pick listeners that do leave reviews, to win awesome stuff.