The Holidays in Fiction (Part 1): The Best and Worst Christmas Stories

Hangin With Web Show Radio Hour show

Summary: The first in a Four Part Series about "The Holidays in Fiction" Part 1: The Best and Worst Sci-Fi Fantasy Christmas Stories or Episodes Part 2: The Dark Literary Roots and evolution of the Global Winter Holiday Season Part 3: Of and From All The holidays from all the religions in all the world, Why Christmas? Let's talk about it! Part 4: Is there a Santa Claus? HWWS Says ... (LIVE) Wednesday Evenings at 6 p.m.: Call In via Skype: <a href=""></a> Shows will be #LIVE on Spreaker, and will air on Krypton Radio on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EST (4 p.m. PST). CALL In Rules: We want to hear from you. Anyone May join the Skype call. If you join, PLEASE remain silent, (mute your mic), until called on by hosts. 1. Click Link above (Use your name) 2. REMAIN silent until host/hosts engage you. 3. Make your points, be as prepared as possible. 4. If you've made your point and have nothing more to add, "leave" the Skype call, to open up a spot for other callers. Peter J Wacks On The Web: Web: <a href=""></a> Amazon: <a href=""></a> FaceBook: <a href=""></a> Valerie Willis On The Web: Web: <a href=""></a> Amazon: <a href=""></a> FaceBook: <a href=""></a> Tonight’s Hangin With Web Show Radio Hour is brought to you by Hangin With Web Show: <a href=""></a> Famous Faces &amp; Funnies <a href=""></a> Jerry McDaniel’s Channeling The Mothership <a href=""></a> Pound The Grape <a href=""></a> Joanne Fisher’s Good Things Always Happen in Springtime: <a href=""></a>