Own Your Awesome and F*** The Shoulds with Tricia Huffman aka Your Joyologist

Seek The Joy Podcast show

Summary: Happy #SeekTheJoy Tuesday! On the podcast this week is Tricia Huffman, aka Your Joyologist. Tricia is a transformational coach and entrepreneur, and her mission is to inspire you to fully LIVE your life and love yourself through it all. In this week’s new episode we chat about Tricia’s journey, the moment that woke her up, and how she became the joyologist. We have a really great conversation about what it means to own your awesome, honoring and acknowledging the space we’re in, and how by pushing beyond what’s comfortable we can begin to believe in what’s possible. Plus, Tricia shares why we need to remove the word “should” from our vocabulary, choosing affirmations, and how you too can become a Joyologist. To learn more about this week's episode check out our show notes and you can connect with Tricia by visiting her website www.yourjoyologist.com (and you can check out her products there too!) and on Instagram @yourjoyologist and @beingtricia and you can find her app, Own Your Awesome, in the App Store! -- We're now on PATREON!! Your support of this podcast means the world. Full of rewards and exclusive content, we can't wait to take this joy journey to the next level. Sing up to be a patron of the podcast here: patreon.com/seekthejoypodcast Until next week, ✨ #SeekTheJoy - hit SUBSCRIBE - and it would mean so much if you could give the podcast a rating and/or review on iTunes ✨ if you do, e-mail a screenshot of your review to sydney@seekthejoypodcast.com and we'll send you our #SeekTheJoy Guide for Infusing More Joy into Your Life! Along with this guide, you'll also receive two limited edition Seek The Joy Podcast stickers that will be mailed out to you. We can't wait to send these out to you!  Did you hear? We launched #SeekTheJoy merch! Yup, Seek The Joy bracelets are here and I am SO EXCITED. Check them out here - I can't wait to see you guys rockin your bracelet!  We are gearing up for the twelfth episode in The Power of Storytelling, which will air on December 18th! We want you to be part of it! To learn more and to submit your story, visit our website https://www.seekthejoypodcast.com/share-your-seekthejoy-story/ and fill out our interest form. Connect with us! ✨✨ Instagram instagram.com/seekthejoypodcast Facebook fb.me/seekthejoypodcast Twitter twitter.com/seekthejoypod E-mail sydney@seekthejoypodcast.com