Little Tikes Gymkhana Drifting Video BTS

Final Cut Pro X Tips & Tricks for Video & DSLR Shooters (Large Quicktime) show

Summary: I thought it would be fun to show some of you who are geeky enough to care the editing process behind the video I put together of my son and I drifting around our house in his Little Tikes Car. I have received a few emails from people asking how I got all of those camera shots so I thought I would also explain that. The following video shows the complete project in Final Cut Pro X and I explain each portion of the project including how I set up the camera for each shot. In future videos I will make behind the scenes part of the process so I can explain how everything was achieved and show it as it is happening. I know that I am not producing feature quality video here but it's fun to show how people can make short videos like this using cameras and Final Cut Pro X.