TechByter Worldwide 2018-12-02: Adobe Gives Illustrator Users Something to Cheer About. Short Circuits. Spare Parts.

TechByter Worldwide (formerly Technology Corner) with Bill Blinn show

Summary: Although it's far from being my favorite Creative Cloud application, Adobe Illustrator 2019 adds some features that will please users and may even convince me to give it some love. In Short Circuits: Checking the safety and validity of a link before following it is always a good idea and a service from Google makes the process fast, painless, and easy. Adding network attached storage to a home network is the easiest way to share files and the price is right now that several consumer-grade routers make it possible to attach a USB drive and convert it to a network drive. More than half a million Android users have downloaded malicious apps that they could have avoided by following 4 easy steps. And yes, I will explain what those steps are. In Spare Parts (only on the website): has named "misinformation" as the word of the year, but I wonder if "disinformation" might not have been a better choice. • Electric cars aren't meeting sales projections and research suggests that there are a couple of valid reasons for that. • If you're thinking of buying a new car, Edmunds now offers a "Best Cars" section on their website to help with the decision.