November Podcast


Summary: The November edition of the OSSB podcast is packed with all kinds of excitement. We will meet Larisas from Romania who is blind and has a guide dog, and Lorela from Albania who works with visually impaired children in art and theatre. Thank you Vicky Prahin ACB Ohio director for introducing us and giving us this wonderful opportunity. Andre brings us highlights of the Ocalicon conference. Emily interviews the girl’s goalball team after their 3rd place conference finish. We will learn about a special custom celebrated by people of the Hispanic culture. Our alumni focus this month is Mr. Dan Lohr. He graduated in 1992. Mrs. Robin Finley will get us fired up about braille at OSSB by talking about a contest that will be taking place between Thanksgiving and January. "See it, Braille it" OSSB students are preparing for the braille challenge in March held at the Clovernook Center for the blind and visually impaired in Cincinnati, Ohio. At the end of the podcast, Mr. Kelley invites you to his preparation of Thanksgiving dinner. Deep frying turkey from a blind point of view.