The Veteran Gamers Episode 446 - Double Chinn

The Veteran Gamers-Xbox One PS4 PC show

Summary: Duke is off in Florida somewhere being selfish and visiting family. Not very good of him really, family over us but whatever. Stu and Chinny are on the show but there is too much Chinn on this show. In fact, there are two Chinn's. AND YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT HAVING TWO CHINN'S, A DOUBLE CHINN HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, oh wow that joke made me slightly depressed, I mean how long are we going to keep doing this shit for? Chinny had a break from The Witcher 3 but has made a decision on which is better but isn't ready to talk about it yet till all three are back on the show at the same time. Chinny also went back to an old favourite. Ginger Ballz talks about State of Decay 2 and his experience with it. Seriously when Pete gets into a game he goes ALLLLLLL in. Find out how he found the systems and controls. Stu played.... wait I can't remember... hang on, let me check....oh yeah. Stu played Unravel 2, only the demo though because he's a tight arse. So look forward to when he buys it on a sale for 3 pence and the developer goes poor and shuts down. I don't know how he sleeps at night.  Then we do emails and stuff. BYE.